Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Quiz: Myths & Facts About Caffeine

What do you really know about caffeine?
Prior to feeding you tons of information, I thought it would be interesting to see what I already know about caffeine... To my surprise, I actually knew less about caffeine than I had originally thought. There were many answers that surprised me. I will discuss later in the week my quiz results and which answers surprised me the most. Let's see how you do.

Take the Quiz

Follow up to my original post...

As I mention, the quiz left me surprised with some of the correct answers. Though many of the questions I found to be common sense my score didn’t reflect that. I scored 11/17, which I basically failed. The following 5 really surprised me and I’d like to share them with you.

Number 1- Caffeine is addictive? Pretty much everything I’ve read has suggested caffeine is addictive, but the answer on this quiz said false. Suggesting that caffeine is not addictive if used in moderation. I felt uncomfortable with this answer, as they left out those who drink caffeine excessively, especially those who drink energy drinks and medications like No Doz.

Number 7- How long does the effects of caffeine last? The correct answer was longer than 5 hours and those sensitive to caffeine it may last longer. I didn’t realize how long it takes the body to metabolize caffeine. I do understand better why some people can’t drink caffeinated beverages after a certain hour, because it affects their sleep. Personally, I consumed 2-3 pots of coffee throughout the day and I often find it has the opposite effect on my body.

Number 10- Women are more sensitive to caffeine than men. The answer was false. I had no idea men were more sensitive to caffeine. I assumed men metabolized caffeine quicker than women, just as they do alcohol.

Number 14- Because of their diuretic effect (which causes increase in urine) caffeinated beverages are usually dehydrating. The answer is false. Wow, this was a huge surprise! The quiz suggested it has only a mild diuretic effect for those who don’t habitually drink caffeine. Further explaining it actually helps maintain hydration. I will further examine why this is false in a later post.

Number 17- The consumption of caffeine above a certain amount is banned by… The correct answer was the NCAA. Stating high doses of caffeine can enhance an athlete’s physical performance. Their purpose is not to forbid caffeine, but to avoid athlete’s usage of high-dose caffeine supplements. I commend the NCAA for implementing strict regulations to provide not only an even playing field for their athletes, but also seeing their health is more important than the game.


Quiz: Myths & facts about caffeine. (2014). WebMD. Retrieved on March 12, 2014, from
Untitled image of caffeine. Google Images. Retrieved March 12, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. I sense a significant theme with your posts Gina you likely have a significant investment in Starbucks. I am a serious coffee drinker. The first thing I do before I go to sleep is program my coffee maker to come on in the morning. When I wake up, I pour myself a cup and hit the shower. I know my body is use to the effects of caffeine, if I do not have coffee within a couple of days, I begin having headaches. Additionally the ritual of having a cup of coffee I’m sure is much like how a smoker get use to having something in his or her hands. Unlike alcohol, illicit drugs and tobacco, the use of coffee does not adversely affect others except for lack of emotional control if you haven’t had it for a while. You did an excellent job with your design and level of detail.
